Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Organic Face Scrub

A few months ago I was invited to a organic beauty party.  At this point I had not been inspired to change my ways with products, but I enjoyed hanging out with my girl friends and not being pressured to purchase anything(which is why I normally do not enjoy those types of parties), but I did buy some bug spray, cause I had used it the year before, and liked the fact that it didn't smell like, well, bug spray!  Our friend Emily started this process of making organic products after the birth of her daughter.

My friend Lori ended up lending me some of her Lavender Almond Oat Face Scrub that Emily made, and after a day or two, I was HOOKED!  I used to have acne when I was a teenager, and used all sorts of products to help me with that.  In my 20's I stopped using soap on my face, and it helped a lot, and it was great, however, I still would break out during that "period" of the month.  Once I started using the Face Scrub, I actually made it through that time with no acne.  It was AWESOME!

Here are the ingredients in the Lavender Almond Oat Face Scrub:

Grapeseed oil, colloidal oatmeal, almonds, vitamin E oil, essential oil of lavender, raw sugar

It's food!  So if you get a little in your mouth, you don't taste chemicals.  It's wonderful!  And because of the oil in the product, your face feels better after you wash.  Make sure to rinse with warm water after you scrub, and to pat your face dry with a towel.  

An 8oz. jar costs $11.50 off of her website.  The product is NOT 100% organic, but it is all natural, and free of chemical preservatives, stabilizers and fragrance.

Update: Here is her website!  A Precious Welcome  Go to the herbal skin care section. All her products are organic.

I learned a long time ago that chemical washes on my face made my skin worse, the reason why I washed with just water for so long.  Using this product has helped my skin more, and I love it.

Thank you so much for reading again.  Any and all comments are welcome.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Shaving with Olive Oil and Baking Soda

I was still determined to replace all of my shower products!  So, I started reading on what were good products for shaving that are considered "organic".  Not much out there to purchase that are truly organic and not expensive.

Then I started to read on how to Make an organic shaving cream.  Most of the recipes were very, very involved, all involving a double boiler.  I kept thinking(um, this is shaving cream), and started to remember that back in the day, I used to shave with all things, baby oil. Yes, it also made my bath tub VERY slick.

I started searching for alternatives to shaving cream, and found that Extra Virgin Olive Oil was a great substitute.  It's nice to your skin, and you don't need much. After talking to my friend Lori, she said that a friend told her that Baking Soda was another great alternative to shaving(make the hair dry out so the razor has something to grab).  We both didn't realize that if you use a both, Olive Oil AND Baking Soda, it softens the skin and helps grab that hair(which is what she found out later from that same friend).

I put my finger tips in the Olive Oil, then grab a little Backing soda, rub it together, and put on the area that I plan to shave.  Yes, your razor will need to be rinsed out well after you shave that area, because it gets filled with the Baking Soda.  It does work though!  Getting used to not seeing where you shaved might bother some, but I have always used my hand as a guide(feeling) to see if an area was shaved enough.  It works great!  And your skin is smooth because of the oil.

I keep the Olive Oil and Baking Soda in separate containers that can be closed near my shower.  I just open them and set them to where I can reach them when I plan on shaving.

It works! I am very happy with it!  And I don't have to run out and buy shaving cream anymore.   I WIN!

If anyone has another recipe or idea for shaving, let me know.  Thank you again for reading and following my path to becoming Organic.